“The shrimp that falls asleep is carried by the current.” Sounds familiar? This Spanish proverb tells us about being proactive.
We are the architect of our own disaster. A good plan can turn out bad in a single mistake. All we can do is to change the way we plan and know the things that really matter.
There is no security on this earth, there is only opportunity. If you want to mitigate the threats to your business, don’t miss out on your opportunities.
Want to jump-start your business? The cloud technology has it all.
Have you ever clicked on a link while surfing the Internet and your browser suddenly directs you to a pool of unwanted sites?
Fear of AI is just overhyped. The Philippines’ Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) together with the IT Services in the Philippines, are already in the process of integrating and building AI-Enabled Workforce.
Hackers and intruders around the globe are targeting the government.
The rise of Windows 10 users taunted Microsoft to release its power – improving user interface, portability, and performance.
More and more businesses – from start-ups to established companies coming from different fields – are learning the value of outsourcing IT services to the Philippines.